who we are
We are a 5-Fold Ministry Team with a heart to unite and ignite the body of christ through the unlocking of intimacy with Jesus.
Our team has an anointing to shift the atmosphere and take people to deeper places of intimacy with Jesus. It is our joy to help people break through any walls that may be separating them from a deep, personal and intimate relationship with Him. We long to see people encounter the manifest presence of God in life changing ways in our gatherings. We have seen so many people healed, delivered and completely set-free in His presence!
Unite and ignite
Our vision to unite and ignite stems from uniting people to Jesus and each other (the Body of Christ) through worship gatherings. Once you have tasted and seen the deep, deep love of Jesus, the ignition process happens automatically as you are set ablaze by love. This passion and fervor for Jesus becomes contagious and will spread like wildfire to the people in your life.
You can invite us to host a night of worship at your church or any facility equipped to host a gathering. We would be honored to help your congregation grow closer to Jesus.
Every gathering we lead always looks a little different as we are Holy Spirit led. Though one thing remains the same: the name of Jesus is glorified and people are transformed in His presence.
If you would like to invite our team to minister, please fill out the contact form below.